The Jayne Koskinas Ted Giovanis Foundation for Health and Policy (JKTG Foundation) funds cancer research, policy projects, and events that foster public discussion to improve the quality-of-care patients experience.
In 2022, JKTG Foundation work focuses on rethinking health care quality, emerging cancer research, and uses for real-world evidence. Of particular interest is building collaboration by fostering multi-institutional and multi-disciplinary research in the area of breast cancer metastasis.
The JKTG Foundation is honored to be supported by Team TGM, a championship-winning race team that competes in the IMSA Michelin Pilot Challenge.
Below are initiatives JKTG Foundation is supporting.
Research & Policy Analysis
- Continuing to fund collaborative, emerging cancer research that involves leading researchers with different areas of focus and background from organizations across the country.
- Funding collaborative, mathematical research projects that challenge traditional approaches to understanding cancer and cancer metastasis from hand-picked researchers across the country.
- Investigating new policy proposals and changes to Medicare and wider health care coverage with patients in mind, advocating against harmful rules, legislation, and policy that impact the quality-of-care patients’ experience including quality measures and incentives.
- Ongoing collaborative research to identify the underlying processes of how breast.
- Hosting the annual Jayne Koskinas Memorial Symposium featuring leading cancer researchers and fostering collaboration within health research disciplines.
- Convening clinician-researchers, policy analysts, reporters, patients, and others to facilitate candid dialog on key issues serving as an independent broker of ideas.
For more information visit and follow | | @JKTGFoundation
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Jayne Koskinas Ted Giovanis
Foundation for Health and Policy
PO Box 130
Highland, Maryland 20777
Media contact: 202.548.0133