JKTG Founder and President Ted Giovanis, leading researchers, and University leaders gathered at the Johns Hopkins Welch Medical Library this week to formally mark the dedication of the Giovanis Institute for Translational Cell Biology – a symbolic first step of this important cancer research program.
Through a $35M, 15-year gift from Giovanis, researchers will tackle the most fatal aspect of cancer: how it metastasizes, or spreads, through the body. Key to this work is collaboration among many disciplines, including biology, clinical treatment of patients, physics, engineering, machine learning, and computational medicine.
“I strongly believe that tackling hard questions and inviting collaboration across disciplines empowers new thinking among researchers who, I believe, can transform how we diagnose and treat cancer,” said Giovanis.
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Jayne Koskinas Ted Giovanis
Foundation for Health and Policy
PO Box 130
Highland, Maryland 20777
Media contact: 202.548.0133