Today, the Jayne Koskinas Ted Giovanis (JKTG) Foundation announced over $100K in awards to support the next generation of health policy research and promote better healthcare for patients.
Five graduate researchers in the field of health policy and administration at The Johns Hopkins University, the University of Virginia, the University of North Carolina, and Old Dominion University received Dissertation Support Grants (DSGs) to aid their research efforts.
Their projects focus on a range of health policy topics, including consumer’s health coverage habits, increasing physical activity for people with diabetes and aspects of tick borne infections, and reflect the Foundation’s approach of fostering new approaches to health care policy.
“Our mission is to facilitate honest public discussion of some of our nation’s most challenging health policy dilemmas, and we believe aiding next generation research is key to that,” said JKTG Foundation Founder and President Ted Giovanis. “I congratulate our recipients, and look forward to their continued contributions.”
Dissertation Support Grant Awardee/Project:
Emily Adrion (Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health) Health Plan Participation in the Medicare Managed Care Market
Elizabeth Blodgett (University of North Carolina) Understanding the Insurance-Switching Behavior of Working-Age Adults with Disabilities
Najib Ben Brahim (University of Virginia) Enabling Physical Activity for Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus by Real Risk Assessment and Dose Adjustment Advice
Robyn Nadolny (Old Dominion University) The Anatomy of Invasion: Understanding and Predicting Tick Range Expressions
Chelsea Wright (Old Dominion University) Exploring the Prevalence, Distribution and Transmission Dynamics of Tick Borne Pathogens in Southeastern Virginia
Working in collaboration with universities with graduate and post-graduate health policy and administration programs, the JKTG Foundation made awards based on written proposals, reviewed by a review panel established by the Foundation, and with the concurrence of the Foundation’s President. Awards ranged from $13,000 to $30,000, depending on scope and investigative opportunity.
About JKTG Foundation
The Jayne Koskinas Ted Giovanis Foundation for Health and Policy fosters public discussion around health care policy to benefit the public good. Through research, white papers and other projects, the Foundation serves as an honest, independent broker of ideas and actions designed to achieve the competing goals of cost reduction, expanding access and improving quality. For more information visit
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Jayne Koskinas Ted Giovanis
Foundation for Health and Policy
PO Box 130
Highland, Maryland 20777
Media contact: 202.548.0133