It’s worth asking the question of yourself – particularly if you’re a healthcare leader today.

In many respects, the healthcare system is in a shambles. Care needs to be revamped: more of it moved to outpatient settings, innovated in how it is delivered, and emerging technologies need to be analyzed including many that are not yet proven. So, we are looking at the system with an eye toward the future of what will be yet there seems to be a lack of clear vision for what that future might hold.

In addressing problems or the future, many leaders’ modus operandi seems like an old management adage – always keep someone between you and the problem. Leaders hire new folks. Bring in new talent. Spend more money, which is often unavailable.

We can ask, “Who was guiding the current healthcare ship that got us to this point?”

Ahh, that would be them: current healthcare leaders.

Perhaps many current CEOs are figuring this out and that’s why we are seeing more CEOs turnover. The future requires a new or different way of thinking, and the current folks simply may not have it.

Let me leave you with this thought: Another old adage is – if you’re part of the problem, you’re likely not part of the solution. Ask yourself if you should be fired.

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Jayne Koskinas Ted Giovanis
Foundation for Health and Policy

PO Box 130
Highland, Maryland 20777

Media contact: 202.548.0133